A Way to Clean It

A Way to Clean It


Global warming and energy consumption have become unpresendetly core issues. Businessmen are under great pressure from their customers, shareholders, government and legislative authorities to make their products eco friendly and if their product is involved in energy consumption its rate of consumption should be lessened down.
The worlds around us have turned into global village. Internet and other communication equipments are the fruits of ICT (Introduction to communication technology) .This was the one side of the picture another side is not so charming or may be somewhat alarming .ICT is an a large scale industry .The energy consumption by this industry is at a staggering rate beyond our expectations electricity bills to power the ICT infrastructure are reaching billions of us dollars and represent a big percentage of the operational expenses of ICT.
This industry is also responsible for damaging our environment .We are only aware of green house gases effects upon global warming. We are not aware of the impact of ict on earth climate and its dwelling recourses .Recent studies rawels that CO2 emission from data centers and toxic materials such as lead and mercury from communication equipments are entering into environment through the damping of obsolete equipments and are showing significant impact on our environment.

To tackle the above problems serious collaboration is needed between tecnologists, developers, researchers, consumers and politician’s .In the previous decade this problem became a hot topic in the media. Green ICT was introduced to minimize these problems .The main goals of green ICT as evident from the green are eco friendly products and to reduce the rate of energy consumption.
Only single efforts of the researchers and technologists could not handle this...

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