T.V. Comedies

T.V. Comedies

Chelsea Blake
Instructor Perry
ENG 101-04
6 Oct. 2010
T.V. has been around for decades now and one of the most popular kinds of shows is the classic t.v. comedy. Today, three top notch t.v. comedies are, “How I Met Your Mother,” “Still Standing,” and “The Big Bang Theory.”
“How I Met Your Mother” is a hilarious comedy about a man named Ted who is telling his children how he met their mother. In one episode Ted’s friend Barney finds an addressed envelope in his mom’s house with a picture of him and his African American brother inside, and on the back of the photo it says, “Your son.” The gang heads to the address to find out if it is Barney’s father or Barney’s brother’s, James. When they arrive, they find out that it is James’ father, but now Barney has decided that he is African American but just really pale. Throughout the rest of the episode his friends try to convince him that he is indeed not African American.
Another hilarious comedy is “Still Standing,” a show about two misfit parents, Bill and Judy, who try to raise their kids the best that they can, but they run into a few hilarious dilemmas along the way. In disciplining their children, Bill has always been the “good cop,” but Judy decides that she wants to be the “good cop” for once. However, Bill is not willing to lose his title so easily, and the two make it a competition. Their house becomes a disaster; and they allow their kids to do whatever they want. It is not until their oldest son, Brian, asks his mom if he can drive that they run into trouble. Judy agrees reluctantly, and the next time viewers see them, they are entering their house talking about the poor squirrel he killed. Judy gladly takes back the title of being “bad cop.”
Finally, “The Big Bang Theory” is a humorous show about two nerds, Leonard and Sheldon, who get a really pretty neighbor, Penny, in their apartment building. Leonard and Penny date for a while and then break up. Penny invites Sheldon to come to her spaghetti...

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