“The 1848 revolution in Germany achieved very little.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?”

“The 1848 revolution in Germany achieved very little.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?”

“The 1848 revolution in Germany achieved very little.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?”
The 1848 revolution in Germany was the result of long-term economic and social problems and political problems in the country. These deep-rooted issues within different classes and groups across Germany were the basis for the revolution and brought about several demonstrations and ideas for a new and improved country during 1848-49. Many say that the 1848 revolution in Germany achieved very little, but is that entirely true? It is true that the revolution did not achieve very much; however, it did have some successes and outcomes that would have an impact on German unity in the years following 1848. Little was achieved because of King Fredrick William IV’s governing techniques and the many demands that were made but not satisfied by the working class, the artisans, the middle-class radical politicians, and the peasants. The Frankfurt Parliament that was established in this revolutionary year made some accomplishments before it was destroyed in 1849.
King Fredrick William IV of Prussia was a reason for the limited achievements of the Frankfurt parliament and thus, the achievements of the revolution of 1848. He was very indecisive and would change his views from liberal to conservative repeatedly. In March 1848 he granted a series of reforms, agreeing to the election of an assembly to draw up a new constitution for Prussia, and appointing a liberal ministry. The ministry he appointed ended up not being revolutionary as the members were loyal to the crown, so not much change was brought about by them. When Fredrick William IV resumed control over foreign policy in August 1848 he ended up dismissing the liberal ministry he had created. The counter-revolution that was sparked when Fredrick William’s uncle Brandenburg became the head of a new ministry shows that the revolution achieved very little as power returned to those who had it before. Under the...

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