“A Rose for Emily” Psychoanalytic Approach

“A Rose for Emily” Psychoanalytic Approach

 “A Rose for Emily” Psychoanalytic Approach

Everyone has their own way of dealing with life. Everyone grows differently; some go through different events and issues that developed their unconscious and define who they are. Certain trials help or hinder us to develop our personality which we behold through our life. Rather born with an unaware knowledge of life and what it will bestows to human being in the future, an individual has to learn to develop awareness of it. It could either be through good, happy experiences or painful, shocking events that may change our way of growing up. The Psychoanalytic approach focuses on many aspects of an individual unconscious and experiences. It also studies how an individual do not realize his/her form of psychosis which may take control over and may repress emotions. In the short story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, Emily Grierson throughout her life she developed her idea of reality and lived as she pleased not concern of what the people would say. “A Rose for Emily”, Emily contains many issues in hand and portrays an individual that through her life has to obey her father’s possessiveness and becomes attached to him, creates a defence mechanism which was her denial of reality and avoidance also her deep fear of abandonment comes between her and happiness.
Since very young, Emily grew into a proud southern family, a family of great importance and wealth in her small town in Jefferson. “Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty and a care; a sort of a hereditary obligation upon the town...” (Faulkner) Miss Emily had always been burdened with high expectations and the town’s people suppose a lot of her. She was thought to maintain certain traditions and obligations which her father made sure to transmit those habits and values to her. Emily had to live with her possessive and over protective father. “Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a straddled silhouette in the...

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