Free Essays on Sympathy For Shylock

  1. Shylock Mechant of Venice

    An interesting character in the play “Merchant Of Venice” by Shakespeare is Shylock. Shylock is a successful Jewish moneylender. He’s an interesting character in the play because he is a character that people are debating about. On one hand he is described as the Stereotypical evil Jewish and on the...

  2. The Feud Between Antonio Shylock

    Shakespeare has expressed the feud between Shylock and Antonio in the Merchant of Venice. From the character list we can identify factors that will affect how the feud between Shylock and Antonio is portrayed as we learn that Antonio is of the Christian faith and Shylock is a Jew and at the time that the play...

  3. Discuss the Relationship Between Jessica and Shylock, Are We Meant to Sympathize with the Moneylender’s Daughter? Does Shakespeare Seem Ambivalent in His Portrayal of Jessica? Grade C

    The relationship between Shylock and Jessica is that of a complex nature, we are shown elements of anger and betrayal. I regard the most distinguished of these emotions as betrayal. Jessica surrenders her religion, and in many ways humiliates and abandons her father, the effect of betrayal is...

  4. Discuss the Relationship Between Jessica and Shylock, Are We Meant to Sympathize with the Moneylender’s Daughter? Does Shakespeare Seem Ambivalent in His Portrayal of Jessica? Grade C

    apparent when Shylock quotes: “She is damned for it...My own flesh and blood to rebel”[Act III, Scene I] After reading this extract I believe Shakespeare is leading the audience to sympathise with both characters. We sympathise with Jessica as it is evident that Jessica's hatred for Shylock is so great...

  5. The People

    In William Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice", there are undoubtedly times when Shylock is hated unreservedly by the audience, and yet at other times he may become a figure of sympathy. Modern perceptions of him are frequently the direct opposite of what would have been expected from the Elizabethans...

  6. The Merchant of Venice

    land or have a trade which meant that money lending was all that was available to them. The modern audience may be horrified by the attitude towards Shylock. In the play Antonio, a rich merchant whose money is temporally tied up in his business, agrees to borrow three thousand ducats...

  7. merchant of venice

    between Shylock and Jessica is that of a complex nature, we are shown elements of anger and betrayal. I regard the most distinguished of these emotions as betrayal. Jessica surrenders her religion, and in many ways humiliates and abandons her father, the effect of betrayal is apparent when Shylock quotes: ...

  8. Reaction Paper in the Movie: the Merchant of Venice

    Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears Shylock. He is a Jew, that much we are told in the cast list. But, as the play unfolds Shylock is seen to be the villian. He is protrayed as being cold, unbending, and evil. But is he? Is Shylock really the antagonist in this play or can he also be...

  9. i am a god orator

    between Shylock and Jessica is that of a complex nature, we are shown elements of anger and betrayal. I regard the most distinguished of these emotions as betrayal. Jessica surrenders her religion, and in many ways humiliates and abandons her father, the effect of betrayal is apparent when Shylock quotes: ...

  10. Hingley

    MoV Essay In the play The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, Shylock is the victim of neglect and mistreatment who we can feel sympathy for. Shylock is a victim of betrayal, injustice, and prejudice. He is portrayed as a bitter man who has so much hate towards everyone other than himself, however...

  11. Pieces of Idea on the Merchant of Venice

    MERCHANT OF VENICE      Author: ilpleut   Supervisor:***      Pieces of Idea on the Merchant of Venice      Key words: Shakespeare, Anti-Semitism, Shylock         Outline:   The History of Jews in England and the Prejudice against Them   The Jews had been discriminated against since they entered...

  12. Merchant of Venice

    The three main characters are named Antonio, Shylock and Bassanio. The title character is the leading merchant Antonio who is a wealthy, respected, and popular man. During the play Antonio asks a Jewish money lender named Shylock to borrow money, Shylock agrees to give Antonio the money but he wants...

  13. The Merchant of Venice

    in love with Jessica * Portia – a rich heiress * Balthazar – Portia's disguise as a lawyer * Shylock – a rich Jew, moneylender, father of Jessica * Jessica – daughter of Shylock, in love with Lorenzo * Duke of Venice – Venetian authority who presides over the case of Shylock's bond ...

  14. The Merchant of Venice--Summary and Analysis--Act 1 Scene 1-Act 2 Scene 4

    someone else. Act I, scene iii Summary Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, agrees to loan Bassanio three -thousand ducats for a term of three months. Bassanio assures Shylock that Antonio will guarantee the loan, but Shylock is doubtful because Antonio’s wealth is currently invested in...

  15. Merchant of Venice Film

    opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge of someone; and it occurred quite often in this play. Whether it was the racist relationship between Shylock and Antonio or the religious discrimination between Jews and Christian, prejudice always affected the way that people treat and thinks of each other...

  16. The Relationship Between Antonio and Shylock

    towards cross dressing Portia ( Karn Newman) Discuss the relationship between Antonio and Shylock. (James Orrork) In William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, two of the main players, Antonio and Shylock, have an unexplainable hatred for one another. There are many speculations to why these characters...

  17. Who Is More of a Villain? Shylock or Antonio?

    based around the question, Is Shylock a Victim or a Villain? I will be looking into further detail within the book to decide the most appropriate answer. I will also be giving evidence such as quotes to back up my judgements. Villain: One reason that makes me think Shylock has evil lurking within him...

  18. Shylock - Villain or Victim?

    Shylock refuses, as he wants to take his revenge on the Christians who have criticized him because he is a Jew. Again, this shows his ruthless, cold side; he has no remorse. Portia asks to have a surgeon by his side, just in case Antonio bleeds to death. Portia then reads the bond and discovers that...

  19. Shylock - Villain vs Victim

    I agree to an extent. In the "Merchant of Venice", Shylock is portrayed as both a victim and a villain. Christians looked down on him, and he suffered humiliation and prejudice because of his job as a usurer and his race. However, he is also vengeful and cunning, and jumps as every chance to take revenge...

  20. Shylocks Speach

    turned into a Jew. Exeunt SOLANIO, SALARINO, and MAN SOLANIO, SALARINO, and ANTONIO’s SERVANT exit. SHYLOCK How now, Tubal? What news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter? SHYLOCK Hello, Tubal. Any news from Genoa? Did you find my daughter? 70 TUBAL I often came where I did hear of...

  21. jessica and shylock

    Lorenzo and allowing him to court her, lying to her father, abandoning him, and stealing from him; she’s hardly the docile, obedient daughter that Shylock takes her for. Although she feels some pangs of guilt (“Alack, what heinous sin is it in me / To be ashamed to be my father’s child! / But though I...

  22. jessica n shylock

    Familial Love (Jessica and Shylock) 1) What forms the foundation of the relationship between the two characters your group has been assigned? (Think about the ties they have with one another, how are they drawn to one another etc.) There is familial love between Jessica and Shylock but Jessica is unfilial...

  23. Shylock Speech & Analysis

    “Hath not a Jews eyes” (III.i.49-61) Shylock, the main character, is depicted as a weasel who grotesquely demands a "pound of flesh" in the “name of friendship.” Characterized as one who fits the stereotypical Jew; he therefore, in an exaggerated form, loans money and meddles in usury. His portrayal...

  24. Things Fall Apart: Analysis

    because he faces the truth of his mistakes and dies with honour. This elevates the tragic hero to a position higher in our esteem and wins our unfailing sympathy for the ill-fated hero in question, yet at the same time purging it because the unconquered spirit of the hero lives on in his tragic death. This...

  25. How Does Peter Medak Create Sympathy for Derek Bentley in the Film "Let Him Have It"

    How does Peter Medak create sympathy for Derek Bentley in his 1991 film “let him have it”. The first point of how he creates sympathy would be the music and the sounds because right at the beginning before any visual except from the credits there is slow quiet daunting music in the background which...

  26. How Does Peter Medak Gain the Audience’s Sympathy for Derek Bentley in the Film “Let Him Have It”!?

    biased opinion towards Derek, but in a good way he constantly throughout the film shows his sympathy towards Derek Bentley. This in turn makes the audience also feel sympathy for Derek, he emphasises the sympathy the audience feels towards Derek by exploiting the fact that he has epilepsy and that he has...

  27. Shylock

    Jews? 3. How might you feel about someone who regularly bullied or discriminated against you? 4. The main character in The Merchant of Venice is Shylock, a Jew who is portrayed as unkind, money- grabbing and vengeful. Given the historical background, do you think Shakespeare was being anti-Semitic...

  28. Lear Sympathy

    Well we shouldn't have sympathy for Lear. He is a man more sinning than sinned against. His blindness, lack of self-awareness, wisdom and foolishness all led to the position he now finds himself in. If it wasn't for his foolish decision to hold the "love test" he'd still be in power. What is quite ironic...

  29. relationship between shylock and jessica

    relationship between jessica and shylock . arThere are ABSOLUTELY no membership fees at We simply request that you donate one paper to the site. Please fill out the form below to join the site. Your account will be activated immediately.e we meant to sym Page Four Everywhere one looks...

  30. How Does Wifred Owen Evoke Sympathy from the Readers in the Poem Disabled

    Sophia Chan 10N2 How does Wifred Owen evoke sympathy from the readers in the poem Disabled Sympathy depends on oneself, it varies through different people. The poem Disabled engages its readers with its emotion and depth. Being filled with sadness and loss, one may find themselves sympathizing with...

  31. Steinbeck's Sympathies Go Out to the Misfits, the Oppressed and the Distressed. Discuss with Referance to

    of living. Due to this fact, many people living in those times were poor, distressed and social outcasts. It is evident however, that Steinbeck's sympathies go out to these poor, unfortunate souls. Steinbeck's style of writing depicts these time-bound misfits, the oppressed and distressed as being human...

  32. Beginning to Withered Arm Sympathy Essay

    How does Thomas Hardy create sympathy for Rhoda Brook in his short story “The Withered Arm” ? In this essay, I am going to describe how Hardy uses different techniques to manipulate the reader into feeling sympathetic for Rhoda Brook in his short story “The Withered Arm.” “The Withered Arm” is...

  33. Withered Arm -for Whom Do U Giv More Sympathy

    For whom do you feel more sympathy: Rhoda Brook, Farmer Lodge or Gertrude? In this essay I will analyse each of the three main character's circumstances, how they deal with these circumstances, how the character is hurt by the others, coincidences which affect the storyline and whether the character...

  34. The Battle Between Cgristianity and Judaism

    and Shylock despise one another. Money is a motif which interrelates with the religion motif. If I can catch him once upon the hip, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him. This speech is imperative in the characterization of Shylock. Jews are commonly stereotyped as misers, and Shylock possesses...

  35. nothing

    In looking at the relationship between Jessica and Shylock, we are again forced to walk a fine line between sympathizing with and despising Shylock. For all intents and purposes, the play should label Shylock’s mistreatment by his own daughter as richly deserved. After all, he is spiteful, petty, and...

  36. nisrin

    free Antonio from Shylock, so Bassanio is the likeliest candidate. major conflict  · Antonio defaults on a loan he borrowed from Shylock, wherein he promises to sacrifice a pound of flesh. rising action  · Antonio’s ships, the only means by which he can pay off his debt to Shylock, are reported lost...

  37. Merchant of Venice - Casting directors book merchant of venice

    merchant of venice Shylock – In the novel Shylock is portrayed as a greedy Jewish Money lender. He is the father to Jessica and the enemy to Antonio. In act two it is clear that money is very important to Shylock. When Shylock hears about Jessica’s elopement it seems to be that Shylock is more interested...

  38. Merchant of Venice

    The Merchant of Venice does portray a prejudiced message. This is first evident in Act one when Shylock openly says to himself, "I hate him because he is a Christian....May my people be cursed if I forgive him!" All throughout the book the Christians are battling with the Jews and neither of them...

  39. hello

    proves that Shakespeare was an anti-Semite. Antonio and Shylock, two similar businessmen of Venice, are viewed differently and are treated oppositely because Shylock is not a Christian but a Jew. One example of this is the way Launcelot treats Shylock in Act 2. In act 2, Launcelot is debating with himself...

  40. Shakespeare the Merchant of Venice

    traced to the historical separation between the Christian doctrines and Jewish law concerning charging interest during the middle ages. Antonio and Shylock revealed their similarities and differences through the virtues of loyalty, generosity, and courage. Antonio a Venetian maritime merchant showed...

  41. Project

    loan is paid back. The Jew, Shylock, has no liking for Antonio, because Antonio has often insulted him for being a Jew, and because the Christian has on occasion lent money freely whereas the Jew always charges interest, and has consequently lost business. However, Shylock agrees to lend Bassanio money...

  42. Character Analysis in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice

    Shylock builds up all the tension as well as Portia however Portia and her loyal serving girl Nerissa, use a great amount of dramatic irony. Even though the audience knows that both these characters are actually Balthazaar and his apprentice, Bassanio, Antonio and Shylock don't. This creates a brilliant...

  43. nothing

    Amendment to the United States Constitution, Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Redeemers The Revenge Of Shylock The revenge of Shylock Shylock: I shylock feel that Antonia has over the years spit in my face, kicked me, chastised my Jewish religion and beliefs and then has the nerve...

  44. Jessica and Portia

    Jessica and Portia- two female characters portrayed in Merchant of Venice Jessica is Shylock’s daughter but hates living with him. Since Shylock and his daughter are Jews, he carries a huge amount of hatred for all Christians and his hatred for them causes Jessica to have hate for her own father since...

  45. The Merchant of Venice

    where Bassanio visits a Jewish moneylender, Shylock, and persuades him to lend the 3,000 ducats. Antonio has agreed to be bound for him in case of forfeiture. Antonio and Shylock despise each other: Antonio, because Shylock lends money at interest; Shylock, because Antonio spurns him like a dog and...

  46. Merchant of Venice

    Shylock - A Jewish moneylender in Venice. Angered by his mistreatment at the hands of Venice’s Christians, particularly Antonio, Shylock schemes to eke out his revenge by ruthlessly demanding as payment a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Although seen by the rest of the play’s characters as an inhuman monster...

  47. History in the Malking

    Bassanio, Antonio’s friend, needs money to pursue his love. They seek a loan from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender in Antonio’s name. The contract is for three times the value of the bond in three months or else Shylock cuts off a pound of flesh from Antonio. While all this is happening, there are love...

  48. Villain or Victim

    Villain or Victim Shylock is a character from William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. Shylock is a Jew and through the middle ages Jews were shunned and removed from Venice, some Jews stayed in Venice as moneylenders that made money through interest. Although Shylock had been wronged...

  49. Shakespeare's the Merchant of Venice

    the play The Merchant of Venice two fathers attempt to impose strict rules on their daughters. The characters that were affected by their fathers’, Shylock and Portia father were Jessica and Portia. Both daughters had two different personalities in terms of their behavior patterns. In contrast, Portia...

  50. Brief Summaries of the Merchant of Venice Plots

    visits Shylock and asks about the deal and Shylock questions why, because Antonio has mocked and insulted Shylock in the past. Antonio then arrives in his sombre state and Shylock ends up talking Antonio into stitching his own life into the bond, if Antonio or Bassanio is unable to repay Shylock within...

  51. Discuss the Moral Issues Raised in ‘the Merchant of Venice’

    running themes throughout the play. The scene takes place immediately after the dukes appeal to shylock to withdraw his bond. It is followed with portia's speech, which outlines the idea of mercy. Shylocks answer to her illustrates his desire for revenge and Bassanio’s comments highlight the issue of...

  52. Act 4 Scene 1 in Merchant of Venice

    the main character in the scene Shylock, this is because Shylock is felt to have power over Antonio since the pound of flesh is due. Shakespeare showed “the pound of flesh” as a symbol through the trial scene to escalate the climax and to captivate the audience if Shylock would take the pond of flesh after...

  53. Explore the ways Steinbeck shows sympathy towards crooks

    the American Dream and the feelings of all the ranchers: their loneliness and need for company and human interaction. John Steinbeck has evoked sympathy and dislike for crooks. In addition, Crooks is a black man, but at the time the novel was written, blacks were referred to as a "nigger". Crooks...

  54. Villian or Victim?

    In ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare, the character Shylock is portrayed as a victim and villain. In order to find out which one of these suits Shylock best, it is necessary to examine him further. Many people are villainous in the way they behave. Their acts maybe contribute towards their...

  55. Merchant of Venice

    Al Pacino’s Shylock (IMDB). In order to win the heart of Portia, Bassanio needs a certain amount of money. He resorts to Antonio, his friend and a wealthy merchant, who actually does not have enough money at his disposal. This is the reason why they turn to a Jewish moneylender: Shylock. The Jew is willing...

  56. Dfdsfdsfds

    dfd In the play merchant of Venice shylock can be seen as a victim and a villain because of the way he acts. Shylock can be seen as a victim because he was tormented and looked down on by his community. Antonio rejects shylock because he is a Jew but however shylock is still willing to lend Antonio...

  57. Merchant of Venice

    England since 1290, Venice had laws in place to protect non-Venetian traders who supported the city's economic well-being. When the Jewish moneylender Shylock seeks his bond, for example, Antonio admits: The Duke cannot deny the course of law. For the commodity that strangers have With us in Venice,...

  58. the last leaf

    father-daughter relationship between Shylock and Jessica seems to be sound on the person-to-person level but they part ways on the ideological level. Jessica doesn't want to remain a Jewish outcast whose life options are restricted and constrained, whereas Shylock clings devotedly to his religion and...

  59. resde

    same manner in which shylock has. Therefore I am here not only to change your mind but to without doubt persuade you that prejudice is a major theme in “The M Premium 5 Page 1117 Words The Merchant of Venice Explore and explain the ways in which Shakespeare portrays Shylock as both a victim and...

  60. Shylock's character in the merchant of venice

    order to ensure that we understand Shylock as a threat to the happiness of Venice’s citizens and lovers, Shakespeare uses a number of dramatic devices to amplify Shylock’s villainy. In doing so, however, he creates a character so compelling that many feel Shylock comes to dominate the play, thereby...