Browser for Philosophy Essays

Philosophy is the study of problems such as reality, existence, reason etc. Here you can also find information on famous Philosophers, literature on philosophy and more.

  1. Bentham and the Principle of Utility

    Writing assignment 2: Bentham and the principle of utility The age of Enlightment was a period of fierce debate about morality. It witnessed the emergence of many schools of ethics, including utilitarianism. Jeremy Bentham, an English moral philosopher, was the founder of the utilitarian

  2. Martian Perspective

    Martian Perspective Paper Hr 5 11/03/08 As I ventured through this unknown wasteland, I came upon some things that interested me. First off the earthlings seem to never properly cover up their bodies as the day begins. After long spouts of crinkling through paper

  3. Existensialism

    Existentialism and Phenomenology Existentialism originally began with the ill economic and social conditions of the nineteenth century. Life was very difficult in many places in the world and people began to question why things happen and whether they happen for a reason at all. Philosophers

  4. Elite Theory

    Elite theory of the distribution of power Vilfredo Pareto was the first important theorist which approached the problem of elites in 1916 in his book Mind and Society. Pareto was trained as economist and theorist of sociology in University of Turin where he graduated and later become teacher

  5. How Words Work- Frege, Hobbes, Mill

    How Words Work: Comp Test 1) Why does Hobbes contend that “a common name is called a universal, because it is the name of a number of things taken individually, and not because it is the name of them all taken together collectively”? A common name is a general name, a universal.

  6. Ethics in Management and Decision-Making

    Ethics Greg Russell University of Phonex Phl 323: Ethics in Management Group: PD07ICS03 Instructor: Susie Holliday September 10, 2008 In this Paper I will be discussing my views on ethicsand how ethics plays a part in my decision-making within my personal life and within my professional

  7. Animal Rights and Ethics

    Animal Rights and Ethics PHI 107 Philosophy of Human Conduct Barri Mallin Linda Richardson January 19, 2008 Throughout the ages, animal’s rights have been dictated from Genesis to theorists and philosophers like Kant, Aristotle, Singer, Reagan, and Descartes. Some of these

  8. Hehehhe

    well the world is a very very beautiful place. people come and enjoy the things that they love the most and like many other people i too love being alive. i mean i have spent so many years in my home town so i think that my world is my home town that is why i love my country and the people of

  9. Death Penalty: a Constitutional Dilemma

    The Death Penalty: A Constitutional Dilemma Although the death penalty is morally defensible in theory, in its practical application it violates the Eighth and the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This paper examines the relationship between the death penalty and the

  10. Nature and Solitude

    On Nature and Solitude In the beginning it was all but a campfire tale; A comforting voice for a child’s soul. I did not know the name of the fields, the trees, the flowers, but already full of amaze I observed them. Hummingbirds hovered over our simulated

  11. Ethics - the Focus of Making Proper Choices

    Business Ethics 1 Business Ethics Brian Griffith SOC 120 Robert Olson December 8, 2008 Business Ethics 2 Business Ethics Ethics are the focus of making proper choices that may not seem like what is best for the individual at the time. Good ethics will always benefit the individual and

  12. How Does Spinoza Argue for His Position That There Is One Substance Only with an Infinity of Attributes? What Criticisms of His Argument Are Most Compelling, and Why?

    How Does Spinoza Argue for his Position That There is One Substance Only with an Infinity of Attributes? What Criticisms of his Argument are Most Compelling, and Why? Spinoza believes that here is one substance only, and that this substance is God. The Universe is not made up of a number of

  13. Philosophy 100 Exam 1

    1. Outline the Socratic method of argument pointing out its strengths as well as its limitations or inadequacies. The Socratic method begins with a hypothesis in which the questioner explores the implications of others’ position in order to stimulate rational thinking and illuminate ideas.

  14. The Tears They Cry

    The Tears They Cry Every child in this world has the right to have a happy childhood. However, usually the people that are assumed to love these kids the most create obstacles to make it happen. Even worse, these people at times don’t realize how much harm they are causing upon their child.

  15. Moral Perfection

    Benjamin Franklin describes moral perfection as “living without committing any fault at any time.” He thinks, “It is in our best interest to be completely virtuous, and the contrary habits must be broken, and good ones acquired and established before we can have any dependence on a steady,

  16. David Hume: Allegorical Representations of Mythology

    David Hume: The Allegorical representations of Mythology An allegory is a symbolic representation of a theoretical, abstract principle. The blindfolded lady holding the balance, for instance, is an allegorical representation of justice - the abstract concept of justice symbolized in a

  17. Fatyer

    exico in the period. *Maya- Native American people whose civilization in Guatemala and the Yucatan` peninsula. * Aztec- Native American people that settled in the valley of Mexico in the 1200s A.D and later developed a power empire. *Inca- Native American people that around A.D 1400

  18. Samsung: Outstanding Figures

    1. Samsung: Outstanding figures Digital Media 2005 Digital Media Business showed significant growth in the high end of the market, especially in flat panel TV (FPTV). The company also successfully transitioned product focus from DVD players to DVD recorders. Besides, it continued to

  19. Doing the Right Thing When Nobody Is Looking

    Philosophy Essay What pushes me to do the right things when nobody is looking? Some may call it integrity but I know deep down what the real reason is on doing the right thing. I do it for God because God is my savior and I would do anything for him. When he sent his only son Jesus to die on

  20. Female Genital Mutilation in Society

    Female Circumcise Female circumcision is a highly debated topic in today’s society, with one side arguing that female circumcision is completely erroneous and the other stating the act is appropriate do to the cultural and religious beliefs behind it. Not many people are aware of how female

  21. Re Essay- Telelogical Argument

    Part 1a) Explain Paley’s version of the teleological argument and Mill’s objectives to it. The teleological argument is similar to the cosmological argument as it tries to find the existence of God from the facts and evidence that is given. The teleological argument also is based upon the

  22. Kant’s History of Ethics

    Kant’s History of Ethics Allen W. Wood Stanford University 1. Did Kant approach ethical theory historically? Kant was not a very knowledgeable historian of philosophy. He came to the study of philosophy from natural science, and later the fields of ethics, aesthetics, politics and

  23. Nietzche vs. Hitler

    Friedrich Nietzche philosophy can be misconstrued very easily when comparing him to political leaders such as Adolf Hitler. One problem is noted simply with Nietzche himself believing that science, philosophy, and even religion had within their structures a secret hidden agenda. This hidden

  24. World Religions Report

    Jesus and Muhammad Axia College of University of Phoenix Christianity and Islam have focused primarily around two individuals, Jesus Christ and the prophet Muhammad. Each has left an undeniable mark on followers of both religions with both Jesus and Muhammad leaving behind extensive

  25. Evaluating an Ontological Argument

    Whether or not you accept the Ontological Argument, it is important to understand it. Specifically, can you reproduce with understanding Malcolm's version? Bearing in mind that Malcolm is not a fool, can you find any flaws in it? (Pg 305) Core Idea of the Ontological Argument: Existence is

  26. Always

    Aristotle was born in Stageira, Chalcidice, in 384 BC, about 55 km east of modern-day Thessaloniki.[2] His father Nicomachus was the personal physician to King Amyntas of Macedon. Aristotle was trained and educated as a member of the aristocracy. At about the age of eighteen, he went to Athens

  27. Personal Education Philosophy

    Ellen Cirino Philosophy of Education EDU 360 My Philosophy of Education Professor Matt Gale 7/3/2009 My Personal Philosophy of Education The word "philosophy" originates from the Greek, and the literal translation is the "pursuit of wisdom." Ancient philosophers, Aristotle,

  28. Philosophy About My Writing

    My writing process to me is pretty ok, but in the state of mind that I have about writing the whole process means nothing. Writing to me is just something I don’t like to do with my spare time. The reason I say that is because of how I was taught to write. My teachers never really taught me

  29. Cosmopolitanism

    Cosmopolitanism The word ‘cosmopolitan’, which derives from the Greek word kosmopolitês (‘citizen of the world’), has been used to describe a wide variety of important views in moral and socio-political philosophy. The nebulous core shared by all cosmopolitan views is the idea that all human

  30. Power Yoga

    Response to Power Yoga 8/4/08 Beryl Birch’s axioms of power yoga are closely related to the work she does with athletes. The axioms of yoga she outlines are all connected and all work off of each other very well. The first two chapters are concerned with Birch’s attempt to show mainly an