12 Miles from Nowhere

12 Miles from Nowhere

Explain how one or more performers used their performance skills in order to convey emotions in one live production that you have seen and assess their success in doing so at particular moments.

‘Twelve Miles from Nowhere’ is a touring production which was performed on the 13th November 2013.
Each performer from the play used their performance skills extraordinarily well to create a very emotional performance for the audience.
At the beginning of the play, it starts with Emily, played by Ashliegh Cordery, stood at the bank of a pond. “Emily was not able to attend school today because she was giving birth to a baby calf.” When the performer was delivering her lines at the edge of the pond she looked very distant and staring straight down at the floor. This made the audience feel very inquisitive of what was happening and also due to the abnormality of the lines she was saying it made us even more confused at the situation she was in. Also by the performer staring at the floor it isolated the audience which indicated that Emily was a lonely character.
When the performer was delivering these lines, especially on “Emily was a duck in the pond who put her head beneath the water..and forgot to come back up again” there was a sense of happiness in her voice, and at one point she smiled to herself which contrasted to the loneliness and sadness she seemed to be portraying in her gestures.
Another particular moment when the performer playing Emily, successfully conveyed her emotions was when she is around Craig. Emily lusted over Craig and we could clearly see she had feeling towards him by the fact she blinked a lot, which is perceived as somebody feeling nervous in the presence of somebody else but in a flirtatious manner. By her blinking it was as if she couldn’t believe what was in front of her, the amount of times it was done was almost to help her take in the amount of lust she feels towards him. However by her blinking to convey her lust, it still...

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