1984 Essay

1984 Essay

Final Paper – 1984

“This Year is 1984.” It sounds weird, right? Saying that this year is 1984 even though it is now 2013. Actually, the “1984” in the given sentence is the novel called 1984. Written by George Orwell in 1949, the novel, 1984, shows the life Winston Smith as he awakens and starts thinking differently to what the government says “normal” leading to his downfall. It talks about a society with no freedom and is controlled by an organization called The Party led by their leader named Big Brother. Living in the world of 1984 is living in a world of fear to those who are powerful than us. Don’t you think that this world where we are living in are somehow similar to the world of 1984? In my opinion, it is not yet but it is slowly becoming like the world of 1984. I will show some social problems we have and relate it to both our world and the world of 1984.
Psychological manipulation is first. In the world of 1984, The Party is manipulating every citizens’ mind and implanting fear in them. All actions of the citizens are watched by the Thought Police. Citizens are required to have a telescreen which was one of the ways the Party can observe every citizen’s movement. The face of Big Brother with the message of “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU” tells the citizens to be careful in their actions and make sure not one is doing anything beyond the norms of the Party. Language is limited so it may block potential improvement of minds. They feed the citizens with information which will only be beneficial to the Party and not much for the citizens. In this way, they make the citizens somehow idiots because of the learning constraint given to them. The Party also controls the family structure. They hire children to become Junior Spies to be able to spy to their parents and report to the Party immediately if there are instances that their parents will do something that is disloyal to the party. Even sexual desires are also forbidden. Citizens are forbidden into...

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