3 Theroretical Perspective

3 Theroretical Perspective

The First Theroretical Perspective that I've choosen to do is the Feminist. The level of analyis is that Feminist is marco and mirco. The view of family sates that the Feminist is a group who learn socially constucted expections based on things like race, gender, martial status, social class, and sexual orentation. There are other factors as well but this is the begininng of what the feminist do. Two of the major questions that are asked are, How does family life reflect economic and patriarchal arrangememnts? The other question that is asked is Do women and men experience family in similar or different ways? I believe that men and women experience family in both ways. We all do the some of the same things when it comes to family. For example both men and women sit down with their families and have dinner together. However not all family's are like this.
The Feminist have expections about how men and women should act. How they should shape relations between the sexes whether it be through politics, the economy, religion education and then the most impotant one being family. There are many types of feminism, but they all have a little bit different emphasis however they all still generally address gender inequality, family diversity and of course social change. While they address these topics they use both macro and micro approaches.
Gender Inequality:
Rebecca West who is an English journalist and novelist who died in 1983 states that she herself was never been able to find out what excatually feminism is. She states that she only knows that people would call her a feminist whenever she would express sentiments that would differentiate her from a "doormat". Being a Feminist means that you believe that a male, female, straight or gay deserve to have the same equal political, eductional, economic and all the other rights that matter. Even if the feminist doesn't chose to identify with one of these lables they are still considered a feminist. Gender...

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