5.04 Assignment USH Honors

5.04 Assignment USH Honors

Seth McClain-Johnson
John Williams
United States History, Honors
8 August 2015
5.04 Assignment
Assignment: In this lesson, you have learned about the Holocaust—the Nazi mass murder of 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000,000 others during World War II.
Directions: Imagine yourself as one of the children in the liberation photograph. Complete the three paragraphs as a first-person narrative from his or her point of view.
Paragraph 1: Why were you persecuted?
Paragraph 2: Where did you go? Describe your experience at the camp. What happened to your family? How did the United States respond to your experience?
Paragraph 3: What will your future bring? Predict what you think will happen to you now that you have been liberated. How has the world changed since your imprisonment? How have you changed?
In your narrative, be sure to:
Recount historical facts accurately
Use course terms when appropriate
Cite any outside sources

I was persecuted because I am Jewish. They hated us – that’s why we were persecuted. They hated us for no reason but their own opinion that we weren’t good enough to live. They put us in a camp to “punish” us for something we hadn’t done, but because of our religion.
We were taken to camps in locations unbeknownst to us. I think it was called Auschwitz? I’m not too sure though. The time at the camp was awful – we were kicked around, shot at, spit on, and talked down to the entire time. They killed a lot of us. They killed my entire family; at least I think that’s what happened. We were all split up when they took us from our home, so I really have no idea what’s happened to any of them. We needed help, and I thought with all the good in the world, someone would help all of us eventually…maybe. We heard about a Japanese attack on Hawaii that brought the US into the War. The American Military infiltrated Nazi-filled Eastern Europe. They bombed them to hopefully stop the killing of us. Their was word of them bombing the gas chambers, but were...

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