

  • Submitted By: phoebe517
  • Date Submitted: 12/15/2010 5:36 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 2869
  • Page: 12
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Peace, Development and Cooperation
--Banner for China's Diplomacy in the New Era
Li Zhaoxing
在和平发展合作旗帜的指引下,中国外交开拓进取,为国内建设服务,也为维护世界和平、促进共同发展作出了贡献。Under the banner of peace, development and cooperation, China's diplomacy has made bold headway, serving domestic development and contributing to world peace and common development.
1. 和平发展合作是不可阻挡的时代潮流
Peace, development and cooperation is the irresistible trend of the times.
  进入二十一世纪,世界形势继续发生深刻变化,多极化与经济全球化在曲折中深入发展,科技进步突飞猛进,人类社会前进的步伐加快,新情况、新矛盾层出不穷。维护世界和平、促进共同发展是各国人民的共同使命。Since entering the 21st century, the world has continued to undergo profound changes. World multipolarization and economic globalization are developing in greater depth amid twists and turns. Science and technology are making rapid progress as human society advances at accelerated pace. New situations and new contradictions keep cropping up without letup. Maintaining world peace and promoting common development remains the mission of all countries in the world.

国际社会在探索与实践中,更加深刻地认识到,应该站在时代发展和人类进步的高度,以合作谋和平,以合作促发展,努力扩大各国利益的汇合点,寻求互利共赢。.Thanks to its exploration and practice, the international community has arrived at a deeper understanding that it must secure peace and promote development through cooperation in the interest of progressing times and human advancement and seek mutual benefit and win-win results by earnestly expanding the convergence of interests of all countries.
——维护共同安全需要合作。非传统安全威胁增加并与传统安全威胁相互交织。各类安全问题的跨国性、相关性、突发性日益增强。一国的安全与地区和全球安全紧密相联。只有通过国际合作,才能有效地解决各国共同的安全问题。冷战思维、单边主义、武力至上行不通。--We need cooperation to maintain common security. With non-traditional security threats on the rise and intertwined with the traditional ones, security problems of various kinds have become more transnational, interrelated and sudden in occurrence. The security of one nation is closely related with that of the region and of the world as a...