About Twilight

About Twilight

Twilight Review

Do you want to have fun while you’re reading? Well, I got a perfect remedy that will make you really excited. Pour in some love story with a sprinkle of vampire and voila! You have TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer.
Twilight takes place in Forks, Washington. The story starts when Isabella Swan, also known as Bella moves to live with her dad, Chief Charlie Swan when her mom decides to go to Florida with her new husband, Phil. She is very attractive to guys but she likes her biology partner, Edward Cullen, the son of Dr. Cullen in particular. Dr. Cullen’s children are all adopted and the Cullens seem to be different than others. Edward seems to be a little different then the other boys and she found out why and it’s a secret that changes her life. To find out more about the story, read the book!
This fantastic, fiction novel by Stephenie Meyer is perfect for an adventurous book. It is even being turned into a best-selling novel based movie directed by Catherine Hardwicke. This shows a perfect example of how teenagers act and she knew how it feels so well. She also described the characters greatly. The story is very creative and it’s being compared to Harry Potter. Did you know that Meyer is also writing Midnight Sun that is parallel to Twilight but it’s in Edward’s point of view? I could visualize the whole novel so easily and it seemed so real and it seemed like I was watching a movie. I would recommend this book to 12 year old children to adults. I would rate this book a strong 5 out of 5. To check out how the series ends, read New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. So right now, put your eyes off of TV and computer screens and put your nose in the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer!!!

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