Absolute Value

Absolute Value

Absolute Value – The numerical value of a real number without regard to its sign.
Absolute Value of a real number- Is a numerical value without regard to its sign.
Additive Inverse – Of or relating to an inverse or an inverse function.
Algebraic Expression – An expression which is obtained by performing a finite number of the following operations on symbols representing numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, rising to a power.
Coefficient – A number or symbol multiplied with a variable or an unknown quantity.
Compound Inequality - Compound Inequality is two or more simple inequalities joined by the terms 'and' or 'or'.
Evaluate - To calculate the numerical value of; express numerically.
Experimental Probability - Is the ratio of the number favorable outcomes to the total number of trials, not in a sample space but in an actual sequence of experiments.
Extraneous Solution – An extraneous solution represents a solution, such as that to an equation that emerges from the process of solving the problem but is not a valid solution to the original problem.
Multiplicative Inverse – A multiplicative inverse or reciprocal for a number x.
Opposite – Of or relating to an inverse or an inverse function.
Reciprocal – Of or relating to the reciprocal of a quantity.
Sample Space – A concept in probability theory which considers all possible outcomes of an experiment, game, and so on, as points in a space.
Simulation – Imitation or representation, as of a potential situation or in experimental testing.
Solution of an equation – The Solution of an equation is the value of the variable that makes the equation true.
Term – A term is either a single number or variable, or the product of several numbers and/or variables separated from another term by a + or – sign.
Tolerance – The difference between a desired measurement and its maximum and the minimum allowable values is the tolerance.
Variable – A variable is a...

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