Abstract from Action Research Project

Abstract from Action Research Project


Becker, Gail G. 2008. BrainSMART Teacher Leadership Institute: Action Research Project. Nova Southeastern University, Fischler School of Education and Human Services.

Modifying “At Risk” Students’ Negative Behaviors and Teaching Them How to Redirect Their Anger Toward Their Teachers and Fellow Classmates in Order to Motivate Them to Improve Their Grades Through Differentiated Instruction and a Modified Form of Mediated Learning Techniques.

In order for courageous learners to receive optimum education, it is imperative that they learn the appropriate classroom etiquettes. Furthermore, they must be in a peaceful state of mind, which is another essential part of this study, to redirect our courageous learners’ anger away from fellow classmates and their teachers but to practice using such impetus towards improving their behaviors, hence, improving their grades. These students live a life of penury and have witnessed so much drug and violent gang activity they almost do not know how to display any other behavior when they become upset. Some of them have given up on school. This project is designed to help courageous learners detect their own problems, as it shows how they influence other students. It shows how they inflict abuse on their teachers and other students without anyone else having to point it out to them. The objective of this project is to teach courageous learners how to recognize their faults without punitive consequences and finger pointing, for negative energy feeding negative energy is analogous to the adage, “feeding fire with fire” does not put out the fire. Where is the solution? The author observes repeatedly how punitive consequences only increased the anger in courageous learners causing them to seek out target victims by taking their aggressions out on their victims bringing the conflict to a head and resulting in fights.

Conversely, the author demonstrates how she used methodologies from Wilson and Conyers’s, (2005)...

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