Action Is Elequonce

Action Is Elequonce

10 th speech


2 simple letters

Place them side by side and they form a word , a word potent enough to turn a mass of people into a nation.

Good evening madame tm , fellow tm , respected guests.

Whenever we Indians have decide to do something the world has bowed to us .be it the giving of the 1st civilisation of the world or the invention of 0. The last time in 1947 when we decided to do or die we changed the map of the world. Today the eyes of the world are on us again .

Because now this country has two Indias. one india is straining at the leash , eager to spring forth and live up to all the adjectives that the world is showering on it , other india is the leash. One india says give me a chance and i will prove myself the other india says 1st prove yourself then mayb u will get a chance. One india lives in the optimism of our hearts , the other india lurks in the scepticism of our minds. One india wants , the other india hopes. One india leads the other follows. The world is waiting for the people from other india to come over to this side and form a pulsating and dynamic india.

So what are we going to do about it .

How are we going to turn a land of philosophers into a nation of doers.

Are we going to shrug our shoulders , blame our infrastructure , political system and bureaucracy . or are we going to roll up our sleeves get up and do something about it .

Because the truth is---

Thinking can happen from an armchair but doing must happen on our own feet

Thinking can be a great way to get things started but doing is the only way to get it done .

Lets face it .. ... we are actually never caught in the traffic jam ..... we are the traffic jam ...

If i were to ask you what must be done for our country , i m sure there will be lot of answers.. poverty must be abolished ,corruption must be eliminated literacy must be increased and blah blah blah and v\blah ... today we don’t need know what must be done but we need to ask...

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