

People Affected By Drug Addiction
Garet Mall
Anne Cox

People Affected By Drug Addiction
Who struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? Addiction does not care about your race, gender or age. More people, who are becoming addicts, are not just the “naughty” kids that came from broken homes. Even though addiction is a personal choice, it can happen to anyone.
What causes people to become addicted to drugs? There are several different reasons for people from all different lifestyles and backgrounds that can become drug addicts. The two that seem to be on the top of the list of stressors are work and school. There are only so many hours in a day to be able to work, attend school, be with family and have a social life; people need to learn how to balance their lives to have a sense of fulfillment. Working in a job that is less than ideal or is just plain mind numbing can cause a person to want to get a drink afterwards, or do a drug to get a sense of excitement into their day that their job is lacking to give them. Having a boss or co-workers who are constantly nitpicking about the quality of work performed can also cause a person to want to find an escape. Attending school is another top stressor because students have so much pressure on them to do well and make not only themselves proud, but their parents and their teachers. Students that are competing with thousands of other students for a handful of jobs in today’s market and making sure their grades are higher can be very stressful and sometimes an impossible task to accomplish. Another reason students become drug addicts is they need to stay awake to study so they turn to illegal drugs to keep them awake and focused. When students turn to illegal drugs to keep them awake to study will lead to them using those same drugs to get through the day of the test. That is two days of drug taking to get through one test that chances are they won’t...

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