

Rewrite summary of Affluenza
In the book , authors introduce a new disease, Affluenza, that affects most of the American today. Affluenza is a made-up word that has that authors define as the following “affluenza, n, a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.” (p2, introduction) Base on our national economic situation, it encourage us, the people, to spend more money on consumption; therefore, affluenza is created. Affluenza has many powerful impacts to our society, which authors describe as “A powerful virus has infected American society, threatening our wallets, our friendships, our families, our communities, and our environment.” Affluenza can be separate into three parts.
Fitrst of all, authors talked about the impacts that was brought by Affluenza. We are consuming materials that actually far more than we need because of our unlimited want and greed. In addition to this, our unlimited want for unneccesary goods and products have already exceeded the maximum amount of what our planet can support. Thus, a huge problem that scientist pointed out is that we need more planetsto fulfill the resources to produce goods that we want. We are destroying our mother earth and also our younger generations’ future.

On the other hand, authors suggested that we may have fall into individual symptons of Affluenza that we are not aware of. People nowadays are using shopping as a treatment to their bad emotion. They gain satisfaction during buying more and having more stuffs. Therefore, people now define a person by how rich he or she is; what type of vehicle he or she drives; what company is she or he working for. We have lost our happiness from family, friend, and faith already.
Last but not least, affluenza can be cure if we use the appropiate treatment. Try to spend more time with families other then shopping; decreasing the amount of...