agile for marketing

agile for marketing

Agile Methodology for Marketing
Wilmington University

This paper explains about how Agile Software development methodology used in marketing department. Agile development methodology provides opportunities to assess the direction of a project throughout the development lifecycle. This is achieved through regular cadences of work, known as sprints or iterations, at the end of which teams must present a potentially shippable product increment. By focusing on the repetition of abbreviated work cycles as well as the functional product they yield, agile methodology is described as “iterative” and “incremental.” In waterfall, development teams only have one chance to get each aspect of a project right. In an agile paradigm, every aspect of development requirements, design, etc continually revisited throughout the lifecycle. The results of this “inspect-and-adapt” approach to development greatly reduce both development costs and time to market. This papers talks about the small group users in marketing department. There are other software methodologies to implement Agile are DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method), Scrum, Extreme programming (XP).

Agile software-development methodology would be best if an organization needed to develop a software tool for a small group of users in the marketing department. The reasons for implementing Agile marketing are speed, priority, engagement, relevancy. Agile Methodology is an alternative to traditional project management; it is a different way to manage IT development teams and projects, typically used in software development. It helps teams respond to unpredictability through incremental, iterative work cadence, known as sprints. Agile methodologies are an alternative to waterfall, or traditional sequential development. Agile Manifesto describes four important values. They are Individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation,...

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