

  • Submitted By: joe1127
  • Date Submitted: 08/29/2013 8:45 AM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 296
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 110

Joe Juarez
Mr. Frederickson
It was called The Rock — the country’s only escape-proof prison. The federal penitentiary at Alcatraz was a cell house built on an island surrounded by the frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay. When the three men first showed up Frank Morris and John and Clarence Anglin had no intention on staying for their life sentences. To pull off their escape they made heads out of paper and soap to full the guards when they did head count for the night. They stole tools and kitchen spoons to chip away a hole in the back of their cells big enough to crawl to. utility corridor is a small passage right behind the cells and climbed up the plumbing to reach a landing where they were earlier that day when after they convinced the guards to let them cleaning and paint it but instead behind a cloth they were gluing there rafts together which is another thing they learned from the magazine. That was the start of their escape to freedom to aid in their escape they read a popular mechanics magazine that was in the prison for reading materials. All that was found the next morning after they were discovered missing from their cells was a jacket that was made in to a raft and the ores where made out of wood scraps. After their escape there were multiple agencies searching for the three men on land, in the air and above and below the water. In conclusion there has been a couple leads but no hard evidence to even say if the men are alive or dead but, the marshals still have the case open and are still looking for them.

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