

Causes and Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol abuse is increasing in our society especially among the younger people. This issue has many causes and effects. Unfortunately, the person doing the drinking is not the only one who feels the impact of this abuse. It has a profound and direct impact on their families as well as their friends. Alcohol has many horrible effects on the body both physical and mental.
When you are an alcoholic, even though you may not notice the changes, everyone else around you will. It may start with sudden changes in your behavior such as mood swings. Your judgment may be impaired and you can start to have problems with relationships, with your marriage or with your children. You may start to have problems with your job that can lead to obvious financial problems, and maybe even legal problems stem from arrests due to bad judgment caused by alcohol. You don’t have to be totally hung over for this to happen, you can just have a couple drinks.
Also one of the biggest concerns is on your body and mind. Some other common problems can be ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, hallucinations, dementia and even death. Also other effects; such as mental problems, anti-social behavior, and even violence. These results not only have effects on you but on the community as well. The effects of alcohol on the body are awful and can be equally as deadly. Alcoholism is a progressive disease and eventually one aspect or another of an alcoholic's body will simply give out from the abuse. Thanks to alcohol all of these areas and many more are affected.
Thanks to drunk driving there are many affects that occur. They are all horrific, and a few examples are. One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk driving. Each year approximately 17,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes. Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities. Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an alcohol related crash. Sadly people are starting to drink at...