alcohol and drug abuse

alcohol and drug abuse

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the research
Despite reports indicating high levels of alcohol and drugs use in the restaurant and hotel industry, little research has been done among workers in a depth fashion. Americans and Europeans go out to eat countless times at a seemingly increasing rate (Ebbin 2000). Given this frequency, dining guests are conditioned to know what to expect when it comes to their dining routine, but they are frequently hidden from the restaurant’s or hotels’ backstage performance. For example, most guests would be surprised to learn that there is an 11.2 percent chance that their server is high on drugs, meaning that one out of every ten times they dine out the server is likely to be under chemical influence (Sanson 1999).
The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that determine the hospitality worker to commit such abuse and to increase the knowledge and awareness of alcohol and drug use within the hospitality industry (Gregory Christopher Rochelea 2008).
1.2 Aim and objectives
Aim: An analysis of social and work related factors, causing workers from hospitality field to abuse forbidden substances and alcohol, and the side effects that those have upon them and the industry.
1. To determine what are the factors that might cause the individual to take drugs and drink alcohol at the workplace and how this impacts the worker, and the company that works for.
2. To create a data collection strategy in order to gather de necessary information.
3. To collect and analysis data from individuals who work in leisure and lodging industry, and determine what are the main factors, and the reasons involved in the misusage.
4. To draw conclusions and make recommendations, to hospitality professionals about what actions needs to be taken in order to protect and help other workers and the hospitality industry.
1.3 Structure of the dissertation
This research is structured in to five main chapters. Chapter...

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