All Things Fall Apart

All Things Fall Apart

Throughout the novel the main Character Okonkwo sees changes in his village as the Europeans come. When Okonkwo is exiled for seven years, that is when the changes happen. On page 147 it states “The missionary ignored him and went on to talk about the holy trinity. At the end of it Okonkwo was convinced he was mad”. On this page it shows that the white man has tried to change their religion, but Okonkwo won't believe it because he is a strong man and sticks to what he thinks is right. He thinks that they have come in and tried to brainwash his people. Also On page 145 it states “Tell them, “ he said,” that I shall bring many iron horses when we have settled down among them. Some of them will even ride the iron horses themselves.” This quote makes you think that they want to slowly change the Igbo tribe. They want to stay there and bring in their “iron horses”, but before they bring them they want the Igbo people to be familiar with themselves. They planned it like that so when they did come, The Igbo people might even ride. The Europeans tried to make them act European. They also opened schools where the tribe could go and Learn. The Europeans wanted to change the tribes religion. Nwoye wanted to follow their religion, but his father Okonkwo was ashamed of him because he wasn’t staying true to his people. He wanted to be like the Europeans. It was brother against brother. Everyone was against each other because they tribe was being split up.
In the novel, Things Fall Apart, by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. Achebe throughout the novel expresses the African culture and shows how important the customs and traditions are. However, when the Europeans come over to Africa they begin to make changes to the land of Umuofia. There are divergent points of views of the European colonization in Africa, while some people may not be affected, but others not so much. Achebe develops the theme of colonial impacts through the white men coming to Nigeria and settling down,...

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