

The first scene, someone is mourning. A voice is calling out a name, Mozart. Old man’s voice accusing himself he killed Mozart. The audience might be surprised to hear that Mozart was killed by someone. Who is that? Who killed the greatest musician of 18th century? There is already a rumor that he was killed by one of his contemporary musician Antonio Salieri. Is he that old man? Till then, audiences haven’t seen who it is. That is how the main character is introduced in the film AMADEUS. Even though the film title is named of Mozart and tells about him, the character who leads the story is not Mozart. It is Antonio Salieri, the court composer of Joseph II at this time. We all knew the rumor that tells the story between Salieri and Mozart. There were plays and operas about their mythical story. Even though it is not a true biography of Mozart, the powerful story turns out very strong and Salieri becomes a devil of envy and a killer.
The night scene at the beginning draws attention with old Salieri’s unsuccessful suicide. We can see his suffering during the rest of his life after Mozart’s death. He lost his religious by the time he met Mozart and became a devil with envy and hatred. He lost his love when she fell in love with Mozart at some time. He lost his fame and music since Mozart appeared in Vienna. He hated Mozart. But he loved music and musician Mozart. We can see that conflict on old Salieri’s face with the strong lighting on half of his face. His eyes are glitter with hatred and sadness. They are shinning with love of music and regret of what he had done all the past time. He sometimes smiles like a child when he talks about his childhood and his eagerness on music and love on people around him. The lighting and his face expression at the beginning scenes till before he met Mozart were light , bright and beautiful with pure sense of love. The dresses...

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