America Needs It's Space Program, Now More Than Ever

America Needs It's Space Program, Now More Than Ever

America Needs It’s Space Program, Now More Than Ever
by J.R. Baker

America needs it’s space program, now more than ever.
In these times of huge budget deficits and uncertain economic upheavals some people want to save taxpayer’s money by ending the space program. It’s true. There are whining crying fools in this country who want us to be attacked from space. Giving up our space program is the stupidest idea I have ever heard of. Where do these mini-brained idiots come from? We should send them to a country that has no space program and let them see what it is like to know there are 2000 thermonuclear warheads flying over head and they have no defense.
Our position in space insures that we will always be able to use our particle beam weapons on any fool who steps on our toes. We need to keep our space program going to make sure the Russians don’t take over our communication and surveillance satellites. No one wants that do they? Everyone knows the only reason North Korea hasn’t dropped a nuclear bomb on South Korea is because they know we will turn them into glass from space.
Not only should we keep our space program, we need to spend more on it.
The budget for our space program is ridiculously small. We spend more money on soda pop than we do on our space program, and any idiot can tell you how bad soda pop is for your teeth. So let’s do the smart thing. We need to increase our space programs budget by 500% and use that money to get our military systems fully operational, and ready for use. This will insure our continued safety for the next 100 years.
Let’s not allow some lily-livered fools (dysphemism) let our rightful place in space be given away. Anyone who wants us to end our space program is un-American.

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