American Industrialism

American Industrialism

Mrs. Trzaski
Global Civilization
16 March 2015
Negative Effects of the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began around the 18th and 19th century, leading to factories and towns springing up all around Britain. Before factories became popular, many people made their own goods and could not just buy products from a store unlike today. Eventually many people came to these towns to find work or just get away from rural areas. The Industrial Revolution helped both the production of new products, as well as the speed at which they were produced. The first factories that were built had terrible conditions. In many mills and factories children were used often as the workforce. There were also many factors that led to the decrease in life expectancy. The Industrial Revolution was detrimental to the world, ruining people’s lives as more products were created from the factories.
First and foremost, the working conditions during the industrial revolution were appalling, especially compared to today’s standards in developed countries. Working days usually lasted fourteen hours and to meet demands days occasionally lasted up to sixteen hours, hours were commenced and finished with a bell (Sadler). Many laborers worked six days a week, spending most of their time in these factories with little leisure time. Laborers often had very little benefits, sometimes not even given enough nutritious food. All workers, boys and girls, were punished for not keeping up with their machinery or arriving late to their work. They were typically beaten by the overseer (Sadler). In these factories there were many uncontrolled safety hazards to risk the workers. In the textile industry there was the possibility of death or major injury from getting clothing caught in machines. If such tragedy occurred, leaving the laborer unable to work, most were easily replaced and left without jobs. The Industrial Revolution ruined citizens lives by inducing a unhealthy work environment as...

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