

***(this is just a generic description document with requirements)


Please help me write affirmative messages on the topic in the main epic write description.

WORD COUNT: 790 words total

PURPOSE: I am trying to get the message in audio format that people can listen to on a daily basis.

The affirmations should be bullet point with phrases on each affirmation
Life is wonderful. I trust in God/Universe to live a well fulfilled life.
I overcome my fear of anything and everything and live life courageously.
I trust myself to make the best decision for me.
I receive all feedback with kindness but make the final call myself.
I listen lovingly to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it.
- Please make sure that the affirmations are specific to the topic and not very generic or broad.

1. PLEASE make sure to name the Word document file using the Affirmation title. E.g Affirmation title.doc (title only not subtitle)

2. Make sure to put the title of the affirmation within and at the top of the word document.

1- Title + Subtitle
2- Affirmations

3. Please do not write any introductory paragraphs, just affirmations messages.

Here is some external resource on affirmation messages >>

If you have an affirmation about job example Real Estate Attorney Affirmations
Please look up job description to assist you get an idea about how best to write affirmations about specific jobs

How to Write Affirmations That Really Work!
The Secret of Truly Effective Affirmations
How to Write an Effective Affirmation
10 Tips to Writing Effective Positive Daily Affirmations...