An American Essay

An American Essay

The majority of American colonists were from Britain, or of British decent and, thus citizens of Great Britain and the King. Consequently, when the British government took away inalienable rights that had been granted to them back when were serfs by the Magna Carta and had been added on after wards to become the British constitution. The British government attacked the American colonists by refusal to trial by a jury from their own community and taxation without representation and the quartering did not help either, but as a result, the American colonists were infuriated because they felt that the British government was taking their rights given to them by the documents mentioned above. (This leads us to believe that the colonists valued their rights) Those documents and the roman idea of democracy are what the founding fathers used the make the Constitution.

According to the declaration of independence a perfect government is one not the British government and two does not exist. Jokes aside the founding fathers believed a good government had fair trials, trade, no tyranny, liberties, and acknowledged and protected the facts that all men(humans) were created equal and have certain unalienable rights, among those life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness from natural rights theory. This ‘good’ government would also be a democratic republic like the ones the Romans once had, which means the people have good control over what laws are made and who is elected to office act.. These principals are still valid today but there are slowing declining in the modern age with airport security, big companies, lying politicians we are headed towards the end.
You may think the articles of confederation stink but a few important things did happen during them one, we learned the meaning of national debt but not well enough and shay’s rebellion if that didn’t happen what would we have learned in school instead? Unfortunately, all good things have to end including...

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