an experience that had a greatimpact on me

an experience that had a greatimpact on me

    During my years of living, I have experienced many things. Many of which have made me who I am today. Many of the things I have done have caused me to want more in life, to expand not only my knowledge, but also my horizons. In reflecting back on what I have done in life, it shows me that I am well on my way of doing that. I feel as though I am a very determined, hard-working, versatile person who is ready for college and the world. Various factors have caused me feel this way. 

     My interest in education is the reason I have great confidence in my ability to succeed in the college environment. As a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), I know what hard work is. I have participated in several academically beneficial programs with my school including: NHS, student council, the junior planning committee, and the college excel program. These programs have trained me for the pressures of the real world, forcing me to multitask in order to meet various deadlines. It has allowed me to become a well-rounded person. This will help me in the future with the strains that career may place on me. 
     The most memorable education experience is my experience with the college excel program. This program made me a student at Devry University where I took computer and electrical engineering classes. This introduced me to the liberal environment that college life brings to the table. Through this program, I started on my potential major, and was place...

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