Ancient Egyptian Religious Revolution

Ancient Egyptian Religious Revolution

The Ancient Egyptian Religious Revolution is a sensational time in history where the significant role of a very complex polytheistic religion, which the ancient Egyptians themselves developed, was challenged and abolished by Akhenaten. He made some drastic changes to many aspects of Egyptian culture and, quite clearly, the religious revolution was the most notable. Another major change is also the Egyptian art style, where it went from formal representations to a much more relaxed manner.

Also called the Amarna Period, this religious revolution saw the short lived settling of a new capital city, the introduction of a new art style and the monotheistic worship to the divine sun disk, or Sun God, Aten.

Akhenaten was the drive behind the Ancient Egyptian Revolution. The reason behind his motives are to this day still unknown, however numerous theories behind his choices, as well as his inspiration and influences have been thoroughly discussed and thought through for many years by historians.

Akhenaten was born in the year 1380 BC under the name of Amenhotep IV. He was an Egyptian pharaoh who reigned about 3,500 years ago and was a ruler in the eighteenth dynasty. Akhenaten was married to Nefertiti, a woman of non-royal blood whose family was quite unknown. However, once Akhenaten became King, they were known as the royal couple. She plays a very prominent role in the changes of art in this period, as her and Akhenaten are often depicted in scenes of domestic intimacy with their six daughters.

The pharaoh Akhenaten presided over a time of theological controversy and cultural upheaval unique in Egyptian history. It all began when he took on the job of decorating the pylons that his father had erected in the great Karnak temple complex. It is here that we first saw a glimpse of the drastic changes that Akhenaten would soon officially impose on artworks as his illustrations and writings explored his connection with Aten using imagery from nature. At...

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