Ancient World

Ancient World

Many concepts, both political and social , were influenced by the ancient times. The Spartans life was simple, and their focus was on obedience and war. While Athenian life allowed one to pursue several kinds of arts or sciences. While Romans had a republic, which included a king, assemblies senators. War ultimately lead to the fall of these cultures, yet the modern west adopted many aspects of the cultures.

During Ancient Greece, life as a spartian was simple because it was focused on obedience and war. At age seven, young boys were sent to the barracks were there were trained to be soldiers. While being disciplined to be strong and loyal to the state. Military education is dictated by the Lycurgan reforms, which is also the current form of government. Your strenghth and courage is constantly tested from every discussion the elders make. At age twenty, I would be enrolled into the regular army. During this time, 480 B.C.E., the Persians under Xerxes have invaded Greece. The Persians have dominated many Greek cities, so king Leonidas tries to organizes an army of 9,000 to slow down the Persians. In the summer of 480 B.C.E., the army arrives at the Thermopylae Pass. Today I wouldnt not have survived, but as a Sparatan I would have survied the narrow roads through the the mountains due to my training. Leonidas strategy to draw Persians into the narrow inlet works until a Greek triator shows Xerxes an alternative route. Suddenly I my legs and arms are sliced, by the attacking troops. No one comes to me because my purpose is to die for Sparta. All of the Spartans are killed, but I am still living. I drag myself from this battle so that I am able to live to fight another day.

Unlike the Sparatians, Athenians you could get a good education and could pursue any of several kinds of arts or sciences. There was also an option to serve in the army or navy. As an Athenian I would not serve in Army, instead I work become an importer. Since Athenians can pursue...

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