Animal Testing

Animal Testing

Imagine an animal crying, wanting to run away because of all the pain that one scientist is doing to that innocent animal. The thought of thousands of animals dying every year due to scientists experimenting on them is heartbreaking. There has been much discussion about scientists using animals for their own experiments and research. People think scientists should use different alternatives for animal testing because of the inhumane way scientists treat these animals. Animal testing is pointless, unethical, abusive, and must be outlawed.
In this generation, technology has advanced so that scientists have alternatives for testing instead of using animals. Scientist can do testing on the computer by using specialized computer software. According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) 95% of medical schools across the United States have completely replaced the use of animal laboratories in medical training with sophisticated human-patient simulators, virtual-reality systems, computer simulators, and supervised clinical experience. Instead of damaging an animal’s brain, brain researchers study other human’s MRIs and FMRIs. They also provide rich data about the human brain that animals would not be able to give to scientists. Most scientist do not need animals for testing anymore; there other alternatives such as invitro test which is the human "liver" that scientists can use to some of the breakdowns of chemicals in the human body. Scientists only use animals to test their theories based upon valuable information they gathered from an experiment.
People who agree with animal testing do not understand how animals are being abused. How do they feel when they burn themselves? Or when someone hurts them rather it be emotional, mental or physical? Imagine getting a shot or some type of liquid injected into their bodies? It would be painful and they would not like the feeling of being used to see how a product or medicine would react when they take it....

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