annotaded biblioraphies

annotaded biblioraphies

Annotated Bibliography
Source #1
Adler, Nancy E., et al. "Psychological responses after abortion." Science 248.4951 (1990): 41+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Alders thesis is “Although much literature exists on the psychological consequences of abortion, contradictory conclusions have been reached.” Alder’s first statement of the situation says that
“responses after abortion reflect the entire course of experiencing and resolving an unwanted pregnancy”. Alder also states that even though there may be feelings of sadness or guilt, the evidence provided by scientific studies indicate “that legal abortion of an unwanted pregnancy in the first trimester does not pose a psychological hazard for most women.” Alder cites studies that indicate that the most common negative emotion is guilt, which is reported by only 17%. The rest of these women feel happiness or either relief after the abortion.
Impact of source #1
This article by Nancy E. Alder provides information and reliable studies that support health risks to a woman associated with abortion procedures. It is also very useful and knowledgeable because it talks about the psychological and emotional problems that may develop in a woman after having the procedure. However, it is still unclear what the outcomes can be and risks of infertility after having an abortion procedure.

Source #2
Chandler, Deanna. "Three Unwanted Children, Would They Have Been Better Off Aborted?", 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Deanna Chandler’s thesis is, “All of this sounds pretty horrible – a lot of suffering, a lot of neglect, and little love. Would it be better for these three little children to never have been born? After all, then they would never suffer from neglect, never be hungry, never be hurt, never have to cry themselves to sleep.” The news article by Deanna Chandler expresses her viewpoint about her own personal experience and a child’s situation having to do...