Annotated Biblio

Annotated Biblio

Eddie Dwelly
Jen Fawkes
Evaluated Annotated Bibliographies
Stover, James D. “Opportunities For Exceptional Children In Cincinnati.” Journal Of Exceptional Children 3. 3 (1937): 90-91. Academic Complete. Web. 12 Feb. 2013.
In this article they talk about how Cincinnati accommodates the students who need special education due to what they are diagnosed with. Cincinnati does have classes for the deaf, visually impaired, and many more to give everyone a chance to have an education. Since the article was written in 1937 it isn’t online so I haven’t yet read the article but from its abstract, I can conclude that this article will contain many useful information on how Cincinnati is allowing anyone have an education. It also will let me go back when schools didn’t accommodate special needs students. The strengths of this article is that it tells me the history of Cincinnati’s schooling for individuals with special needs but it has a huge weakness that is the article is 76 years old so it won’t tell me if Cincinnati truly does accommodate them or not.
Torres, Caroline, Cynthia A. Farley, and Bryan G. Cook. “A Special Educator’s Guide to Successfully Implementing Evidence-Based Practice.” Teaching Exceptional Children 45.1 (2012): 64-73. Academic Search Complete. Web. 3 Feb. 2013
The article talks about how the location, selection, and implementation are crucial for special education. It provides ten steps for the implementation of evidence-based practices. These ten steps tell how important it is for the evidence-based practice and how to make the right choices on each individuals progress. This article can or cannot be helpful to me based on how I go on my opinion on how I am going to argue the paper. Since this paper was written last year, it does bring that it has evidence from years of experimenting practices to what works and doesn’t work.
DiPipi-Hoy, Carolina, and Daniel E. Steere. “When You Can’t Get Out.” Teaching...

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