Anthropology Paper

Anthropology Paper

Low Country Community Church Jacqueline Toomer Pulling up to Low Country Community Church felt very welcoming, with “Ushers” directing you where to park as well as which door to go into. I learned that ushers have several jobs. They direct traffic, hold doors open for you, greet you, hand you programs, direct you to your seat, as well as collect tithes for The Church. Tithe is a responsibility you have as a member to give 10% of your weekly earnings to your church. When you walked up to the church there was six ushers who welcomed you and held the door open for you. Once you were inside the church, you were greeted by two other ushers who handed you your program for the day’s message. Inside this program was a visitor card for visitors to fill out, a calendar of upcoming events, and an outline of the day’s message. The ushers also helped you find a place to sit depending on the number of people in your group. Walking into the sanctuary was a very welcoming experience. The sanctuary is the place of worship in a church. When you walked into the sanctuary music was playing and there was a stage in front of you with rows of chairs on three sides. The stage had three large screens which were hooked up to cameras and displayed lyrics to the songs we sung. The screens also zoomed in on whoever was talking at the time. The music that was playing when I walked into the sanctuary brought a feeling of comfort. It was soft yet it caught your attention. When it was time to begin worship the Music Director asked the congregation to stand and join him in praise. There were five people playing instruments and four people singing on stage. Once everyone was standing, the congregation sung two songs, “Here I am to Worship” and “Worthy.” Concluding each song the preacher would bow his head and close his eyes and begin speaking. Without telling the congregation anything, they followed. Later I found out through interviews that this was a form of worship. It was called praying,...

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