AP world study sheet the west encounters Americas

AP world study sheet the west encounters Americas

AP World History 2
The West Encounters the Americas

How did the Renaissance transform life in Western Europe?
-The introduction of classical humanistic ideas caused people to truly question openly for the first time in history without fear. Not only was there an explosion in cultural forms of art, such as mannerism and baroque, but people also shared ideas regarding society and politics. Machiavelli wrote “the Prince” during the Renaissance an became the father of modern political theory.

What were the Causes and Effects of the Protestant Reformation?
-One of the main causes of the protestant reformation was Martin Luther’s 95 thesis which stated everything corrupt with the church, including the selling of indulgences. Luther’s protest, which was rebuffed by the papacy, soon led him to challenge many catholic beliefs, including the authority of the pope. Due to this, people broke off from the church and new forms of christianity arose such as Calvinism, Lutheranism, Anglican and etc. In addition, many civil wars occur with the religions

How did the Scientific Revolution lead to the Enlightenment?
-Philosophers wanted to apply reason and logic to human systems like government. The Renaissance encouraged individualism and therefore more people questioned the authority of the Church. Just to oppose the Church, people began to encourage scientists to prove theories and not just be the Church's parrot and listen to whatever the priests said. Slowly, scientists came up with theories and their research that soon proved true. This is how the Renaissance started off the Scientific Revolution. Practical information lead to enlightenment

Should Christopher Columbus be Celebrated?
-No because he took advantage of the native americans and enslaved them/killed them. He would contradict himself by saying that they were scared, timid, backward, not civilized and then he would say they were peaceful, “the best people in the world”, generous, helpful, kind,...

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