gun support apa essay

gun support apa essay

Gun control issue has been a significant issue in the last two years, and the matter has even been taken to the highest Court in the U.S. In 2008, the District Court of Columbia ruled that the Constitution has laid down the right for every citizen to have a gun for personal usage. However, this was not applied at the federal law. In 2010, the Supreme Court ruled and applied this law at the local level. This ruling helped in the lifting of the ban on gun possession in Chicago which prevailed for 30 years. This ruling was then later considered as a landmark. In the present time, President Obama has shown interest in the strengthening of the laws and gun control measures. But, the reality lies in the fact that the enactment of the law is possible only when the law is applied at the federal level. Once the law is applied at the State level, all the states shall come up with distinct approaches to address the issues of gun possession, sales, permission, licensing, carrying laws and self-defense.

Title of My Paper
The introduction paragraph IS indented. It presents the problem the paper addresses and includes the thesis statement.
Literature Review
With the Second Amendment giving American citizens the right to bear arms, and approximately fifty percent of Americans owning some form of a firearm, issues involving the ownership and possession of guns have led to heated debates in American society. Most notably is the issue of gun control. Many feel that the some form of gun regulation is necessary in order to lower the level of gun related violence in the country. On the other hand, the opponents of gun control feel that it would be an infringement on their second amendment rights. The outcome and extent of gun control has strong political implications because it basically determines the present day meaning of the Second Amendment. While each side has strong points to their arguments, one quote by writer Michael Warfel basically sums up...

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