

Bite after delightful bite. An echo can utter from its remains, like a shuttering breath, as the white insides are crushed to mush, mashed to a delectable paste of half juice that will satisfy a stomach and yet leave it wanting more

SNC 2D0 Lab #1: Testing Properties of Substances Name:

How can you investigate a chemical substance in the laboratory? You can use chemical tests to determine the properties of a substance. Physical properties that can be tested for in the lab include solubility in water and the ability to conduct an electrical current. An electrolyte is a substance whose water solution can conduct electricity. A nonelectrolyte is a substance whose water solution does not conduct electricity.
Chemical properties can also be investigated; for example, the characteristic chemical reaction of a substance with an acid is a chemical property because it results in the production of a new substance, usually a gas. In this lab you will have the opportunity to review some basic lab skills as you investigate the properties of substances.

Question: How can the physical and chemical properties of substances be determined?

- safety goggles - conductivity apparatus - sodium chloride
- scoopula - 3 test tubes - sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
- microtray - limewater solution - calcium carbonate powder
- test tube holder - glucose - potassium bromide
- wooden splints - copper (II) sulfate - calcium chloride
- rubber stopper - hydrochloric acid - sucrose

Part I: Solubility in water
1. Put on your safety goggles!
2. Obtain SMALL samples of: sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, potassium bromide, calcium chloride, copper (II) sulfate, glucose, and sucrose.
3. Number your microtray from 1-11, & half fill each of 8 microtray wells with distilled water.
4. Add a SMALL amount of sodium chloride to well #1 & stir to see if it will dissolve. Save your...

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