

Brandon P. Hall

1. The Lucifer Effect is a theory that tells us and understands how people can transform from being good to being evil in order to practice power.
2. Stanley Milgram’s experiment in respect to good vs. evil shows how when somebody is ordered to deliver a shock, at that moment a good person can do something bad to someone who is innocent.
3. The prison experiment shows how when you are given a role, one thinks the role of the guard to an extreme extent. This also happened in the Adu Gharib prison because “good apple” American soldiers, due to working with the enemy caused them to be disengaged from their good nature to transform into someone they weren’t due to the circumstances they were put in.
4. The processes are dehumanizing others, disengaging personal responsibility, conformity to group norms, anonymity of yourself, taking the first small step, and tolerance of evil through inaction.
5. By following heroism and standing up in what you believe in, you can avoid the outcome of evils happening.
6. We can promote heroism in children by helping them believe that ordinary people can steer clear of evil and be heroes, as well as role models.
7. The data of Asch’s groups showed that when in a new or unfamiliar situation, most people will conform to the group.
8. I do not believe it is right to make people suffer in any type of experiment whatsoever, but for these experiments I would make an exception. These experiments show us that if it weren’t for these experiments maybe these terrible experiment’s would still be going on making more people fall to the Lucifer Effect. For example Zimbardo just wanted to do a simple prison study and the results ended up being much more extreme then he first intended to be. Proving the beneficial knowledge of the Lucifer Effect.