AR 670-1

AR 670-1

Army Regulation 670-1

Army Regulation 670-1 is about wear and appearance or army uniforms and insignia according to army standards in this essay i am going to tell you how to wear the duty uniform and the physical training uniform according to army regulation 670-1Identification (ID) tags. The wear of ID tags is governed by AR 600–8–14. (1) Soldiers will wear ID tags at all times when in a field environment, while traveling in aircraft, and when outside the continental United States. (2) Personnel will wear ID tags around the neck, except when safety considerations apply (such as during physical training). b. Security identification badges. In restricted areas, commanders may prescribe the wear of security identification badges, in accordance with AR 600–8–14 and other applicable regulations. Personnel will not wear security identification badges outside the area for which they are required. Personnel will not hang other items from the security badge(s). The manner of wear will be determined by the organization that requires wear of the badges.All personnel will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance. Uniforms will fit properly; trousers, pants, or skirts should not fit tightly; and personnel must keep uniforms clean and serviceable and press them as necessary. Soldiers must project a military image that leaves no doubt that they live by a common military standard and are responsible to military order and discipline. Soldiers will ensure that articles carried in pockets do not protrude from the pocket or present a bulky appearance. (2) Wear of items on uniforms.

(a) When required and prescribed by the commander, soldiers may attach keys or key chains to the uniform when performing duties such as charge of quarters, armorer, duty officer/NCO, or other duties as prescribed by the commander. Keys or key chains will be attached to the uniform on the belt, belt loops, or waistband. (b) At the discretion of the commander, and when required.

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