

Tania Head, either way you look at her story she is a crazy individual. There is a documentary about this lady, known by most as Tania Head, who was supposedly was a victim of the 9/11 twin towers terrorist attack. She claimed to have been working for Merrill Lynch Company and to have a soon to be husband that worked in the other tower that tragically died. Now to have made up a huge story like that you have to be mentally ill or was she? Regardless of the fact that she might have been ill she does not have my sympathy, she was manipulative, and what she did was unforgivable.
As I watched the documentary “The Woman who wasn't there,” I was more aware of how crazy people can be. Tania was a very manipulative person. She manipulated the members of the survival network to kick out one of the founders. That wasn't even the worst of her manipulation. She manipulated a many of people over the course of the documentary. She manipulated all of the viewers in a sense because she had all of us buying into her story that she had been in this tragic attack and lost her fiancee in the process and it wasn't just that she survived it, it's how she survived it. She pretty much went through hell in the fact that her arm was completely severed off and she was pretty much left for dead when the guy in the red bandana, who played such a key role in her story in the fact that he was actually there but he died just like everyone else she encounters in this crazy story, came to her rescue and helped her find a way to escape. To top all of that off she was saved yet again by a firefighter who pushed her under a fire truck when the buildings came tumbling down so that she wasn't crushed from the debris. To know that she made up a story like that just sickens me. To know that anyone would make up a story that awful is just flat out disgusting. There is absolutely no way that you can feel any remorse for her.
Despite what i've told you there are still some people out there that feel...

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