Armorer's Guide

Armorer's Guide

xxxx-PM-PS (190-11) 20 March 1998

MEMORANDUM FOR Commanders and Armorers

SUBJECT: Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives

1. References:

a. AR 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (30 Sep 93).

b. AR 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program (30 Sep 93).

c. AR 710-2, Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level (28 Feb 94).

d. Ft X Reg 190-11, Operating Procedures for Intrusion Detection Systems (16 Oct 97).

e. Ft X Reg 190-1, Control of Privately Owned Weapons, Explosives, and Ammunition.

2. Protecting Army property especially arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) is a very important responsibility. The requirements for physical security, inventory and accountability of AA&E are all critical tasks and equally important. More than anywhere else within a unit, the arms room operation requires meticulous attention to detail.

3. The purpose of this guidebook is to provide commanders and armorers with extracts ("quick reference") of regulations, sample forms and a checklist for a typical unit arms room. Included are requirements for protection, control and accountability of arms, ammunition, and explosives (except for Category I which few units will encounter), night vision devices, and other sensitive items when stored in unit arms rooms, and during deployment. The checklist is not all-inclusive. There may be additional requirements based on local threat, which have to be implemented. However, we have tried to provide a step-by-step listing which should apply to most typical company level units.

4. Point of contact is the Provost Marshal Office, Physical Security Section (xxx-6342).

Mr X
Physical Security

Unit Commanders and Unit Armorers


Only the unit commander and key custodian, who must be appointed in writing (or alternate, if also appointed in...

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