Art and communication officer

Art and communication officer

The market for health supplement is growing rapidly in Hong Kong since outbreak of SARS in 2003. During the decade of development, the marketing trend is keep changing according to the actual social situation. As a health supplement manufacturer and distributor, we have to predict the right market trend and the study well about the upcoming emerging theme in order to determine suitable strategies and allocate resource in an effective matter. In this report, we will study a wide range of possible external emerging theme and deeply discuss the major theme which will be having higher impact on future development of our industry.

Nowadays, the level of living standard enhanced and becoming more and more fastidious regarding the daily commodities, supplement products are not exceptional. Modern people always rest late, the life work and rest is not orderly, and they have many special health care problems, let the supplement products becoming an effective and efficiency choice that accepted to pay much attention on them. In addition, the intense living conditions, the busy social make us to face turbulent pressure. So peoples would like to by some of advanced nutritional to eat for good health.
Hong Kong’s health supplement market is estimated at USD1.2 billion. Vitamins and dietary supplements represent the majority of this market. While the market is growing, competition is becoming more intense. Although the traditional vitamins and mineral products are well-supplied by local and international brands, the decreasing growth rate of single vitamins and mineral products suggests market saturation. However, there is market demand for new and innovative vitamins and dietary supplements that address the specific functionalities.
There are several major types of health supplement available in the market:
Modern health food: This refers to health products which use nutrients or supplements as major ingredients.
Traditional health food: This...

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