ASH ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz

ASH ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz

ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz
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ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz
1. M1 includes all but which one of the following?
 2. The transactions demand for money depends on
 3. Individuals accept dollars because
 4. The fact that money is legal tender increases its
 5. According to the M1 definition, the money supply consists of currency held by the public plus
 6. To keep the federal funds rate from rising above the target zone, the Fed must
 7. If the Fed sells government bonds on the open market, which of the following is likely to occur?
 8. When the Federal Open Market Committee buys a government bond from a bank,
 9. Transactions that involve the direct trade of one good for another are called
 10.The ability of an asset to be converted easily and conveniently into the medium of exchange is called

ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz
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ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz

1. M1 includes all but which one of the following?
2. The transactions demand for money depends on
3. Individuals accept dollars because
4. The fact that money is legal tender increases its
5. According to the M1 definition, the money supply consists of currency held by the public plus
6. To keep the federal funds rate from rising above the target zone, the Fed must
7. If the Fed sells government bonds on the open market, which of the following is likely to occur?
8. When the Federal Open Market Committee buys a government bond from a bank,
9. Transactions that involve the direct trade of one good for another are called
10.The ability of an asset to be converted easily and conveniently into the medium of exchange is called

ECO 203 Week 4 Quiz
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