Assessment of Pre-Testing

Assessment of Pre-Testing

Rob Sprague
Part One
1, 2a, 2b) Assessment of pre-testing
Fitness Test Item My Scores Fitness Grams Norms Healthy Fitness Zone
One mile run 5:59 7:00-8:30 Above Zone
Sit and reach 13 8 Above Zone
Shoulder stretch y/y y/y Healthy Fitness Zone
Trunk lift 10 9-12 Healthy Fitness Zone
1 RM Bench Press 1.29 1.06-1.29 Healthy Fitness Zone
Pull up 2 5-8 Below Zone
Push ups 10 18-35 Below Zone
Resting Heart Rate 72 70-79 (average) Healthy Fitness Zone

3.) Personal Interpretation
A.) Physical fitness is a major priority in my life. If I wasn’t physically active I could suffer from health problems now and later on in life. Being in the unhealthy fitness zone can cause “coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and premature death” (works cited#1). Healthy fitness levels reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Physical fitness helps to control body weight, maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints; and promotes psychological well-being.
B.) I am very happy with my physical fitness level. I play soccer year round so I do a lot of running. I also play baseball in the spring; I work my arms muscles while playing. On a scale from 0-10 (0=no physical activity and 10=year round physical activity) I would rate myself as a 10.
4.) Set goals
An area of physical fitness that I need to improve on is the number pushups I do. I only did 10 and in order to be in the healthy fitness zone I need to do 18-35. I also need to improve on my number of pull ups.
-By 30 weeks I want to increase my number of pushups by 15.
-By 30 weeks I want to complete 5 pull ups.
-By 30 weeks I want to increase my trunk lift by 2 inches.
5.) Plans of Action
Goal#1- By 30 weeks I want to increase my number of pushups by 15.
Goal#2- By 30 weeks I want to complete 5 pull ups.
Goal #3- By 30 weeks I want to increase my trunk lift by 2 inches.
Mode Frequency Duration Intensity
Goal #1 Bicep curls 4-5 x’s week 10 reps with 20 pounds Moderate
Goal #2 Do pull...

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