

In your words, what is meant by the term “culture”?
The system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artefacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.
Culture is a distinct believes and a way of life that give identity and a sense of belonging to a certain social group. It is unique and irreplaceable, which places the responsibility of preservation on the current generation. Mutual awareness of cultural references is essential in international business.
We are living in a period where trade is becoming more global by the day. The ability of fast communication between people and places has boosted many companies to expand in other countries. Yet, cultural differentiations are the most sustainable features companies need to take under consideration, in a strategic planning of setting up abroad. A firm needs to become progressively more aware of the foreign cultures when aiming for a successful future in an international business environment. Attitudes towards work and material possessions, entrepreneurship, willingness to accept risk, politics, religion, customs, and the role of the woman vary in different regions. How we react to and work with these differences are our challenges.
 Culture is learned, shared, and transmitted from one generation to the next.
 Culture can be passed from parents to children, by social organizations, special interest groups, the government, schools, and churches.
 Culture is multidimensional, consisting of a number of common elements that are interdependent.
 Changes occurring in one of the dimensions will affect the others as well.
Elements of culture:
1. Language (verbal and non verbal)
2. Religion
3. Values and attitudes
4. Manners and customs
5. Material elements
6. Aesthetics
7. Education
8. Social institutions

1. Language:...

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