assumption and fallacies

assumption and fallacies

Assumption and Fallacies
HUM/ 111
September 07, 2013
Kimberly Rhodes
Assumption and Fallacies

Assumption is when you assumes something even when it is not true or accurate. (Dictionary, 2013) Assumption is something we previously learned and don’t question. (Elder, 2002) Yes I do think that assumptions can get in the way of your critical thinking. The reason why I say that is we sometime get caught up in ways that we have learned things or caught up in our ways. It can interfere in the ways we use our critical thinking and can affect the way we take in new information. But knowing that critical thinking is a part of our everyday life and we have to do it. So if I do not understand something I need to get the proper help so I can better understand the situation. Getting a better understanding of the situation, if I have to do further researcher on the top I need to for I want let assumption get in the way of learning new things or the ways of doing thing. Making assumption about things is not a good thing and asking questions or getting more information on the situation will help not making so many assumptions.
Fallacies are when you make incorrect or misleading view; opinions based on inaccurate facts. Psychologists’ calls this a defense mechanism. (Dictionary, 2013) It is a thing that we have if you believe it than it is true, even if it is not true or actual facts. How fallacies are used in written, oral, and visual arguments to get the person to see they point of view. Ways that I can avoid using fallacies is by start making sure I get the key points and ideas on the situation. Asking questions is a good thing to avoid fallacies, asking the proper questions can help you get a better chance understanding the situation. Asking questions can also stop you for making assumption on the situation. Opening my mind up to possibilities because thinking open sided can interfere with your critical thinking skills. Staying on the topic and not wandering...

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