Autism Disorder

Autism Disorder

Autism is a complex developmental disorder of the brain and on average it appears during the first 5 years of children’s lives. Autism is much like dyslexia and neurological disorder and the symptoms, as well as its levels of severities, varies among each individual. A child having autism does not indicate that they suffer from mental retardation. Instead, they show delay on developing language, behavioral, and social skills. There are many different types of autism and among one of them is the autistic disorder.
Autistic disorder has recently been defined as mind blindness and this type of illness is developed within the first 3 years of a kid’s life (Catalano 1998). Containing this disorder impairs and prevents a child from having social interactions as well as forming relationships with others because of their lack of ability to interpret and understand the different types of emotions and facial expressions. It has been estimated that roughly 15 out of every 10,000 children that are born are affected with this developmental disorder and approximately 400,000 people in the United States are affected with this disorder (Bock 2003).
The exact origin and cause for autism has not yet been discovered. Nevertheless, many experts suggest that this disorder is most likely caused by the combination of both environmental and genetic factors. Within the past decade, there has been more interest on funding programs to conduct more research and examinations on how to find cures for this disorder. Psychologists and scientists are convinced that several genes create a variety of abnormalities within the structure of the brain. However, this has not been scientifically or successfully proven. It is apparent that parent’s behaviors and genes have nothing related to why a child is born with autism. The majority of the times, autistic children have siblings that are healthy and normal.
Statistics has confirmed that autism is more common in boys than in girls and...

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