Baby or Puppy

Baby or Puppy

Baby or Puppy
Baby or puppy, What is the difference? Well there are many differences, but also many similarities in the two. It’s true: getting a new puppy can be just like bringing home a new baby. I should know; I have two kids. I decided recently to get them a new puppy. Well that was something I should have read up on.
Night one was a disaster. We brought the new family member home after an exhausting ride home; I was sure ready for a good night’s sleep. So I placed the new puppy in its new bed. Not one second later to my amazement I hear whining and crying which brought back to me memories of the day I brought my baby home. Yep, you got it those restless nights one spends with a newborn baby, the crying every hour on the hour, you know those ones that keep you on pins and needles all night long, well this puppy every time I put it down it whined and whined, so I didn’t get any sleep all night long.
Not only is it the restless nights but also the constant need to feed the puppy much like a baby. Feeding schedules are put in place to ensure that enough nutrients are getting to the puppy, hoping that it’s enough to get you through at least four hours of sleep. To my amazement after the puppy eats just like a baby its potty time. Wow, the similarities are astounding; who would think that puppy would need just as much attention as a baby for the first weeks with a new family.
Well, now a few weeks have gone by and now I can begin to see how great it is to have a puppy. The puppy now eats and sleeps well, and I don’t remember the baby doing all of this so fast. The puppy is now going to the bathroom alone and sleeping all night. I can even leave it alone while I’m at work; while I could never leave a baby alone, I’d end up in jail. The puppy is now able to understand simple commands like “sit” and “stay” while the baby is still being carried and screams louder than ever. The puppy has become independent and learned to entertain himself with balls...

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