

Michael RUsso
A Bully-Free World

Approaching the 22nd century, more and more cases of bulling are beginning to occur. “3.7 million youths engage in bullying, and more than 3.2 million are victims of ‘moderate’ or ‘serious’ bullying each year” (BullyFree). Bullying is a subject that needs to be addressed and terminated; according to bullyfree, “thirty percent of all child suicides can be directly related to bullying” (BullyFree). When you see classmates walking down the hallway looking perturbed and hurt (emotionally or physically), why do we continue to keep walking by acting as if everything is ok? Our constitution allows us to live free, but when children are terrified of encountering their fellow classmates, how free are they living? Bullying must be fixed before “it leads to loneliness, low self esteem, depression, and other long lasting effects” (BullyFree), for someone else we know.
“Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. “(StopBullying). The problem is not only that we need to help the victims who are bullied, but also to help those who do bully, and help fix the problems that cause them to bully. The bullies themselves are most likely dealing with troubles at home. These troubles include “a lack of warmth and involvement on the part of parents, harsh and physical discipline by the parents, or children whom are victimized by their older brothers”(Education). Another reason why children decide to bully is because “Some children with low social status may use bullying as a way to deflect taunting and aggression that is directed towards them, or to enhance their social position with higher status peers”(Education). Although the bullies themselves are to take blame for these actions, teachers and faculty members...