

Infectious diseases are a major preventive medicine problem for U.S. Army Soldiers living in close quarters. Some of these infections are caused by direct person-to-person contact, but other infections are caused by the germs found on surfaces. Improved hygiene can help reduce the spread of infection. An effective hygiene plan must start with accepting that disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi are always indoors on people, food, insects, and potentially in the air. Cleaning must be adequate to reduce germs to a level which is not harmful to health. A sterile environment is not expected. To achieve a hygienically clean surface the germs must either be removed or they must be killed by disinfection. Methods of hygienically cleaning sites and surfaces include detergent-based cleaning followed by rinsing, and the use of disinfecting agents.

The use of cleaning agents has a vital role in the cleaning process of the barracks. Cleaning agents disinfect the surface you are cleaning so that no diseases can spread and harm anyone around or in the same room as you. If everyone took the initiative to clean their share of the mess thats currently in the room, then the room will be germ and disease free till you have to clean again. Unless there is food and disgusting drinks that clutter up the trash can or bag and is not being taken out after that said item isn't stinking up the room or having mice or other small insects and germs that are attracted to the smell of rotting food or dried stinky drink on the floors.

Everyone around you if affected by the cleanliness of their surroundings. Cleaning the barracks or in this case deployment builliting, keeping the rooms clean can improve the air quality so that no germs or insects are flying around causing people in that room, or anyone who comes in to hang out to get sick or get bit by an insect that can cause the person to start feeling ill. Much is said rhetorically about cleanliness in our society but...

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